The 2nd Firefighter Cancer network meeting was hosted by network member FILK Freiberg Institute gGmbH in Freiberg, Sachsen, in Germany, featuring the expertise of their “Functional Coating Systems” research department, led by Dr. Kristin Trommer. Dr. Trommer presented the current research focus on protective equipment and outlined how their institute plans to contribute to our collective efforts.
Participants had the opportunity to tour the institute’s state-of-the-art coating labs and technical facilities, gaining insights into the wide range of technological possibilities available. The institute’s capabilities were on full display, fostering an appreciation for the innovative work happening within its walls. The event also provided ample opportunity for in-depth discussions and the exchange of ideas and experiences among the network members.
All the participants: FILK Freiberg Institute, Application Lab Weber & Leucht, Trans-Textil GmbH, RWTH Aachen University, Norafin Group, SINTEX a.s., Pyrex Industries GmbH, Deutsches Textilforschungszentrum Nord-West gGmbH (DTNW)